The technical characteristics of the wood-plastic composite materials

The technical characteristics of the wood-plastic composite materials

Uilders prize wood composites in particular for their durability and comparative low cost. Composite products come in a variety of colors and textures. WPC decking the composites hold up well as materials for outdoor projects, those that will stand up to long exposures to weather. The reason: they are largely impervious to temperature fluctuations and moisture. According to the International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, "these composites are transformed by extrusion processes to obtain applications including profiles, sheathings, decking, roof tiles and window trims, with improved thermal and creep performance compared with unfilled plastics."

Composite products, as the name suggests, differ from their all-synthetic counterparts in that they do have an organic component in their mixture. As explained by the International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, manufacturers create wood plastic composite products by "mixing wood flour and plastics to produce a material that can be processed similar to 100% plastic-based products." The addition of real wood flour gives the product a more realistic grain and texture than its all plastic counterpart.

Types of wood
The types of wood used in the mixture vary with the types of wood most common to the area in which the manufacturers make the composite. For example, in Chile and many other countries pine is a common species. Therefore, manufacturers often use its pulp in creating composite products. WPC wall panel other woods can help create different consistencies, textures and hues.

Tensile Strength and Durability and Different Results
Manufacturers can create wood plastic composites by using a variety of polymers as well as wood pulps. Additionally, different extrusion machines will have different effects on density and tensile strength. According to Douglas J Gardner at the University of Maine and David Murdock at Fiber Composites, "Poly vinyl chloride provides the greatest strength and stiffness for wpc composites followed by polypropylene and polyethylene. The greater the wood content, the better the stiffness properties of the composite. However, there is a direct trade-off between wood content and the moisture-resistant properties of the wpc lumber." So for projects which will have a greater exposure to weather and moisture, composite wall cladding choose a wood plastic composite with a lower wood content.